Who is Jeff?

Based in the Hawkesbury, North West of Sydney, Jeff is a seasoned photographer with a passion for travel, the great outdoors, and the Australian outback.

For over 40 years, Jeff has roamed Australia with a camera in hand, capturing its natural beauty. In the past 12 years, as a professional photographer, he has specialised in photojournalism and sports.

Now, Jeff invites you to join him in his true passion: fine art landscape photography. With years of experience, he has honed his skills while exploring the Australian countryside.

Don't miss this opportunity to accompany Jeff on his adventures, capturing stunning landscapes in both digital and film formats. Sign up now and elevate your photography skills with a true master of the craft!

Jeff Walsh Photographer on Location

Jeff grew up with a camera in hand, starting with a Hanimex 110 point and shoot. Over the years it’s been an on again off again affair, not really a hobby. The photography interest started to build and the learning commenced when 4WD became a passion, taking the opportunity to photograph the travel adventures and a young growing family. These early days saw Jeff purchase his first SLR camera being a Pentax Film camera.

When the opportunity knocked Jeff upgraded cameras and focused on photojournalism and sports photography. Over the years Jeff had numerous front page images of Bushfires & other emergencies across NSW as he specialised in Emergency Services Photography.

Sport Photography took Jeff to new levels and places, covering the Asian Champions League Football and ultimately the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast in 2018.

The whole time landscape photography has taken a backseat to the primary focus. Landscape was the opportunity for Jeff to enjoy the relaxation & tranquility photography can offer. He has ‘tinkered’ over the years, refining his skill. In that time he has attended workshops with Ken Duncan, Peter Eastway & Ignacio Palacios.

Recently Jeff has taken his craft to new levels by printing the majority of prints himself at home using Epson Printers, papers and inks. To up skill Jeff has again taken printing workshops with Ken Duncan, Epson as well as Les Walkling.

Photography is a skill that you should never stop practicing and learning. To continue the learning Jeff recently joined the Hawkesbury Camera Club and more recently stepped up to the Executive Committee. He is involved in the education of new photographers, eager to pass on his knowledge. Jeff believes being a photography mentor also helps enforce current knowledge and drives the need and want to learn more.

Currently Jeff predominantly uses Nikon cameras and lenses along with Nisi Filters to control the light.

Jeff Walsh Photographer with camera in hand

Jeff’s Background



#ICaptureTheLight 〰️